Underground Bowling Assn.

by PhoneSmartApps.com


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Bowling has never been very entertaining as far as excitement and crowd participation goes. Often when professional bowlers compete they request for the crowd to watch in silence as they focus on their shots. We believe this to be the reason Bowling has not grown or generated the revenue like sports such as Basketball, Football or Baseball. In our eyes Bowling doesn’t translate. You can go to a high school Basketball game, feel the energy in the gym, and then feel something similar at a professional Basketball arena. Just on a larger scale. At your local Bowling center you can watch Bowlers compete in leagues or Bowl for cash. While this is going on you can feel the Excitement in center. This is what real bowling is. We do not see this on T.V. What the Bowling industry needs is some flavor!The Underground Bowling Association was developed and born out of the idea that bowling is not just a spectators sport. We are a non-profit semi-professional bowling association geared towards (but not limited to) the urban and or the new generation of bowlers with unorthodox, unique and/or original styles of bowling. According to the vision of the UBA, its members encourage, promote and excite more interest in competitive bowling while having fun.
Currently the UBA represents thousands bowlers that focus on displaying their uniqueness within the bowling association as well as entertaining spectators at the lanes each night. We would like to welcome you to the new and exciting world of BOWLING ENTERTAINMENT! The UBA…THERE’S STRENGTH IN OUR NUMBERS!